Black Crayon

Black Crayon

Thursday, 31 March 2011

E.T - Katy Perry ft. Kanye West

I'm gonna come out and say it.. I don't get it. Like.. I mean... What?

Can somebody please explain this to me...

Comment in the section below please. It'll much appreciated

Black Crayon

Just because your feet fit perfectly in your mother's shoes, Does not make you a woman!

So guys n girls, I'm not the biggest follower of poetry (even though I used to write and won a few awards during my secondary school days) but when I heard this, woii!! I was amazed. I think everyone should have a listen. She speaks truth and lets face it, her emotion in this video is what every poet should express when they recite. I'm not saying poets should roll on the floor like they're manifesting demons but when you write and recite and you don't feel it, how am I supposed to?

Anyway guys, have a listen, enjoy. Poets and writers, take note.

Black Crayon

Monday, 28 March 2011

Mr BC's Workout Plan

Of late I've been so hard at work with photography and uni assignments and I've started to realise that I've let myself go a bit. Everyone knows summers coming up so naturally guys like to bulk up towards that summer body. As for me, I just want to feel good about myself. I think my health has been at a lack for some time and it's time I did something about it.

Apple slogan 'There's an app for just about anything'. That so true. I've recently downloaded 3 apps in order to help me get back into shape and hopefully with the motivation of a few people I can keep working at it and not get lazy.

The 1st app I downloaded was CrunchFu, part of the GymFu family. This helps out with stomach crunches in order to tone my torso area.

The 2nd was the Bupa Health app. An all round general health app that will hopefully benefit my health as well as my body.

And lastly was just a general pedometer. I usually do a lot of walking so I'd like to know how many steps I've taken and how much I've burned.

I aim to do a light jog every morning at 6am, go about my daily activities and right before bed, follow the planned workouts from the apps. My eating pattern won't change, I'll still eat the same foods, however unhealthy they may be.

I've lost weight before so the little I may or may not have gained can be lost easily. Who knows, maybe I'll come out with a fitness DVD next year. People that shouldn't be making them did so hey, let me con people into doing something that worked for me and may not necessarily work for them.

Anyway, at 2:10am, I need to sleep!

Toodles readers!!

Black Crayon

Friday, 25 March 2011

Just to let you know guys, the links in the site have been re-rooted, making it two times faster to load. For best results, use google Chrome.

Thanks for all your support guys!!

Black Crayon

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Hard at work

Few people may know, I'm always hard at work. Here's a couple things I was doing in my mini-hibernation.

Black Crayon

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Little Big Planet 2

Little big Planet 2 has to be the best game of the year and possibly decade by far. The hard work and creativity put into the game only for the levels to be created INSIDE the game. The developers have fully gone out of their minds along with getting out of a box of creativity.

I guarantee everybody who plays this will have a good time, regardless of whether you're a hardcore gamer or a complete noob.

R.I.P Nate Dogg

"Singer Nate Dogg has passed away at the age of 41. According to family members, the singer passed late last night. While the cause of his death remains unclear the infamous hook singer had been recovering from two massive strokes he suffered over the past years." -

Saturday, 12 March 2011


Ahh... The good old days when I was 21... wasn't too long ago mind you, its just that, 21 was always THAT age... Until you become 25, then its not so special, then it gets to those African ages where you have to celebrate by force. If not by a spouse, then your entire family. 
Hopefully my family will respect me enough to know I refuse to have a party. I'm just not the party kind of guy. 

Next big thing for me? My wedding.

Here are some pics I took at an event today.

Happy 21st Nathalie.

Black Crayon

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Omarion (Starring Rosa Acosta) - Come N F*ck Wit Me

So how's this for a raunchy video aye?

Omarion's back and it looks like he's trying to fly kick Trey Songz off of his throne with this video. Great time to release it too. Too many females are gassed over Trey and only within the last two years.
As singers and rappers usually do, Omarion's got a fresh shape up. Just when I was looking to do something new to my hair... Yeah probably won't do it.
And how about what she wearing?! Guys, no matter if you girlfriends birthday is in miles away, I think you know what to do...

Black Crayon

Time waits for know man...

I was talking to a loved one the other day and realised that time waits for no man. If there is something you need to do or want to do, do it NOW. You may not have another chance to progress in life.

Get things done.

Black Crayon

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

New Life

So its been a while since I've posted anything... So finally, a return.. For now!

Anyways recently, I've been surprised with the news of a new life in my life. For those of you that know me well, no. Its not mine. 

Just as we know women to be fussy and try and plan everything and get excited, I seem to be surrounded by them. I'd say I was quite subtle and cool headed, so obviously you wouldn't find me with any excitement or anxiety. 

Saying this, people seem to think I don't care. Its not true, I do. I'm happy but in the midst of confusion, I'd like to be the person who is still level headed and keep the parties involved down to earth.

Saw an aunt recently, her son was born not long ago (last summer). Now she has another lump in her stomach!! Sorta hit me that I've really been away from the world lately. 

Hey.. Congrats to everyone giving birth. 
Black Crayon

Monday, 7 March 2011

Ghanian Independence

I recently took this pic at my church's anniversary service. As it was a celebration of Ghana's independence that day, I thought I'd take a picture as a tribute to and mark the day along wth my fellow Ghanians. After today, we're back to being sworn enemies... 

lol.. Just joking.

Love you guys really..

Happy Independence
Black Crayon